employee morale

Employee Productivity: Four Key Trends In 2024

Productivity is on the rise, but are employees working too many hours? A new Robert Half survey reveals a complex picture.

Best Western Housekeeper Shines, Wins $5,000

The 2021 Cintas S.H.I.N.E. Award recognizes housekeepers who are key to guest satisfaction and safety.

Collaboration Spaces: Are They Working?

Effectively planning for collaboration spaces now will pay off later.

Friday Funny: Do Playoffs Pay Off At Work?

When it comes to workplace morale, 78% of employees at companies that celebrate sports events like March Madness say they improve team spirit.

Friday Funny: Is Your Co-workers’ Behavior NSFW?

American workers think their colleagues could behave better in the workplace, and that their co-workers' annoying conduct is having a negative impact on productivity and morale.

Staying Smart And Safe: A Facilities Team Guideline

Consider these simple safety habits to prevent facilities workers from experiencing workplace injury.

U.S. Is Tops In Employee Happiness

Employees in the United States, the Netherlands and Germany ranked highest in terms of on-the-job happiness.

Most Americans Say Workplace Is Civil

In an increasingly uncivil society, the workplace is becoming a sanctuary for many Americans, according to the seventh annual Civility in America poll.

Friday Funny: The Verdict’s In On Pets At Work

Banfield Pet Hospital recently released its first ever Pet-Friendly Workplace PAWrometer survey, revealing the impact pet-friendly workplaces have on employees and human resources decision makers.

Friday Funny: Is March Madness?

It’s that time of year again: Soon, March Madness will take hold and nearly everyone at work will become a rabid college basketball fan.

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