facility management trends

Share Your Facility Management Priorities

ABM survey
Here’s your chance to share what matters most to you as a facilities professional. Are you keeping up with the latest trends? Weigh in on key topics, and let us know your top priorities!

AI In The Fire And Life Safety Domain

A cautiously optimistic outlook on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in the fire and life safety industry.

The AI Impact

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) in building operations presents new opportunities and risks for facility managers.

How To Use Data To More Effectively Manage Your Facility’s Lifecycle

View this free video webinar and learn how access to real-time facility condition data empowers you to make smarter decisions about ongoing maintenance, capital planning, and future projects.

The Next Big FM Challenge: Managing Labor Shortages, Recruitment And Retention

Attend this free webinar and learn how to tip the scales to balance recruitment, retention, and labor shortages, while retaining critical institutional knowledge.

Facility Management Year In Review: Lessons & Predictions From Industry Leaders

View this free video webinar and hear from a panel of facility management leaders who will share what they’ve learned from the past, and what they hope 2023 will bring.

Are Your Facilities Ready For 2020?

A new guide from Aramark identifies the top 20 trends that will influence the future of facilities management.

Facility Management Prioritizes Employee Health And Wellness

New Facility Management Trends & Insights survey from CORT reveals that employee health and wellness is top-of-mind as facilities continue to explore flexible workspace.

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