
Worker Death Investigations Have Declined, Department Of Labor Reports

Worker Death Investigations
Preliminary data show a decrease in fatalities OSHA is mandated to investigate, including significant reductions in fatal injuries from trench collapses and falls.

Workplace Safety: Industries With Greatest Fall Risks

A study from a litigation law firm Callahan & Blaine reveals the industries most at risk of falls in the workplace.

How To Prevent Slips, Trips, And Falls

Knowing where accidents may happen is the first step to reduce these risks.

OSHA Issues Updated Guidance For Tree Care Industry Inspections

A new memorandum from OSHA highlights some of the hazards faced by workers engaged in tree care and tree removal operations.

5 Steps To Eliminating Slips And Falls

Combining the right products with best practices can put an end to slips and falls. The key is finding and mitigating your facility’s Risk Zones.

Top 10 Workplace Safety Violations Of 2018

OSHA released its list of the year's most frequently cited workplace safety violations at the National Safety Council Congress & Expo.

Werner Offers Training During OSHA’s National Safety Stand-Down

Fall protection and ladder safety trainings are planned at job sites across the U.S. to keep construction workers safe.

New Product Flash: GrabSafe Portable Ladder Extension Safety Device From AES Raptor LLC

Falls from ladders are the highest cause of injury and death in industry and construction sites. Of those falls, most of them occur near the top of the ladder when a worker attempts to climb onto a roof surface or back onto the ladder.

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