fire prevention

Quiz Of The Week: Beating The Blaze

Facility Executive Quiz Of The Week
Are your fire safety instincts burning bright, or do they need a little more spark?

Armstrong’s New Fire Manager Enhances Fire Pump Performance

Armstrong Fluid Technology is launching its Fire Manager, a cloud-based service that tracks performance and provides diagnostic warnings.

5 Critical Parts Of Fire Safety

Explore commonly overlooked elements when it comes to fire safety and prevention.

Safe Ebike Battery Storage: Six Steps For Preventing Fires

Ebike battery
Ebike and electric scooter use is on the rise, and the fires associated with them are posing a potentially deadly challenge for facility managers.

International Code Council Releases Three Wildfire Prevention Resources

Modern building codes and standards are the foundation of fire adapted communities, helping to reduce risk and increase community resilience from all hazards including wildfire.

National Electrical Safety Month Includes Focus on Workplace, Buildings

Sponsored by the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI), this year's theme for the annual campaign is “Connected to Safety,” focused on emerging technology.

Surface Shields Fire Defense System

Surface Shields introduced Cover Shield heavy-duty fire-resistant floor protector and Seam Tape FR fire-retardant polyethylene seam tape.

Fusion 285 Wall System Features JM Cladstone Water & Fire Block

New Fusion™ 285 wall system is designed for performance and safety, and is first system to meet new NFPA 2019 regulations.

FM Alert: Help Develop New Building Safety, Fire Prevention, And Energy Efficiency Codes

International Code Council Committee Action Hearings are scheduled for April 17-27 in Louisville, KY.

FM Alert: ICC Announces Theme for 2016 Building Safety Month

“Building Codes: Driving Growth Through Innovation, Resilience and Safety” is the theme for this year's Building Safety Month, celebrated in May.

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