Fire Safety

Quiz Of The Week: Beating The Blaze

Facility Executive Quiz Of The Week
Are your fire safety instincts burning bright, or do they need a little more spark?

LA Wildfires Highlight The Importance Of Fire Preparedness

wildfire smoke
The LA wildfires broke out quickly, and entire communities are feeling their devastating impact. Facilities have to prepare for this risk.

NFPA Investigates ICE And EV Hazards For Parking Garages

The research will address sprinkler protection guidance for modern vehicle hazards in parking structures and systems.

Don’t Forget About Fire Safety During The Holidays! 

Fire safety tips
Holiday décor can create fire safety hazards for commercial buildings, and facility management teams need to know the risks.

Exceeding Safety Requirements

flame retardant building materials
How using flame retardant building materials can create more resilient buildings.

Campus Housing Fires: Cooking, Lithium-Ion Batteries Are Top Concerns

Cooking remains a leading cause of fires on college campuses, and there is growing concern about the increasing number of fires caused by lithium-ion batteries.

Edwards To Launch Its Optica Duct Smoke Detector

Edwards with debut its new Optica Duct Smoke Detector at the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Conference & Expo.

5 Critical Parts Of Fire Safety

Explore commonly overlooked elements when it comes to fire safety and prevention.

AGF Release Pre-Assembled Fire Sprinkler Solution

The Pre-Assembled Fire Sprinkler Solution integrates its Sprinkler Floor Control with an adjustable pressure reducing valve.

Vetrotech Debuts CONTRAFLAM One Fire-Rated Glazing

CONTRAFLAM One is a fire-rated glazing solution that leverages more than 40 years of Vetrotech knowledge within interlayer technology. 
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