Flexible Workplace

3 Ways To Optimize Office Spaces

Facility managers can create office environments that enhance wellness, comfort, and sustainability.

Increase Facility Flexibility With Technology From Qualified Interior Contractors

Starnet interior contractors deploy technology to speed decision making, validate quality using objective measurement standards, and document and execute a greater scope of work on projects for optimum investment return. 

College-Aged Job Seekers Embrace Remote Work

Nearly 70% of college-aged adults are likely to consider a job that is entirely remote, less than 20% would consider a position that doesn’t offer a remote work option.

Walker & Dunlop Moves Into New Amenity-Rich Headquarters

Commercial real estate lender Walker & Dunlop's new Bethesda, MD headquarters is an example of bringing employees back to the office the right way. 

Uponor’s “Flexible First” Model Redefines Office Work

The company's redesigned office space will feature “neighborhoods,” or shared spaces for functional teams to collaborate while in the office.

Smart Technology In Office Of The Future

Many companies are embracing a flexible work environment vastly different from the pre-pandemic norm, and apps are one tool to spur this evolution.

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