green design

Diving Into Biophilic Design

Facility executives can transform their office spaces by adding in living walls.

Greener Living, One Parking Lot At A Time

A parking lot at Pratt Institute's Brooklyn campus in New York City is the site of a green infrastructure project that will reduce flooding, eliminate sewer outfalls to open waters, and keep nearby plants lush and green.

April Is National Landscape Architecture Month

During the month of April, landscape architects will show their communities how they promote healthy living.

ICC Announces Availability of New Green Building Code

The International Green Construction Code has been designed and released as the path to safe, sustainable, economical construction.

Top 5 Common Questions About Green Roofs

With the growth of the green roofing industry, some trends can now be identified. For instance, many early Green roof installations from five or six years ago involved building owners and developers who were very familiar with the technology and had a good understanding of the installation and care of a Green roof.

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