New Green Seal and Healthy Schools Campaign program prioritizes low- and no-cost measures to improve indoor air quality and sustainability at schools and universities.
More than 40 national organizations, industry leaders, and trade associations join to create the Healthy Workplaces Coalition, which will focus on advocating for healthier and safer buildings.
Green Seal’s new hand sanitizer certification standard screens for carcinogens, reproductive toxins, skin irritants, phthalates, parabens and contaminants.
Establishing a sustainable carpet care program can reassure building occupants that facility managers are working toward a sustainable present and future.
With coronavirus prompting more frequent use of cleaning products (and more inhalation of cleaning chemicals), here’s a window into Green Seal’s performance requirements for certified green cleaning products.
Green Seal’s Formula Facts™ Ingredient Communication Program helps companies provides clear, accurate, and meaningful ingredient labels in time to meet California’s new requirements.