greenhouse gas emissions

Moving Toward Climate-Neutral Data Centers

Climate-Neutral Data Centers
To meet the rising demand for transparent sustainability reporting, data center operators should leverage advanced documentation platforms.

Outdoor Lighting That Lessens Light Pollution

When exterior lighting is poorly selected, it contributes to light pollution that negatively affects people and the environment.

Los Angeles Tops EPA’s 2023 Cities For ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings

Washington, DC; Atlanta; San Francisco; and New York round out the top five, cutting energy costs while increasing efficiency and reducing emissions.

Rethinking Model Energy Codes For Net Zero Carbon Buildings

ACEEE looks at some of the technical aspects of building energy codes that will get states and localities on a path to net zero carbon buildings.

Net Zero Goals: Cintas Transitions Facilities To LED Lighting 

LED lighting retrofits, along with other facility-related energy-reduction projects, are part of the company’s ambition to achieve Net Zero GHG emissions by 2050.

Evotech Launches Its myBEMS AI Technology

The AI technology will assist facility managers in eliminating building running costs, as well as cutting carbon emissions.

Energy Efficiency: California Is Tops, Maine Is Most Improved

California's energy efficiency policies and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions earn it the #1 spot on ACEEE's 2022 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard.

Carbon Handprint Can Measure Companies’ Positive Climate Impact

ACEEE shares how a "carbon handprint" more accurately reflects a company’s contributions to climate change by measuring the impact of the use of goods and services it provides.

LEED v4 Updates To Increase Energy Performance Requirements

To better address greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, updates will elevate LEED v4’s requirements for energy performance closer to those of LEED v4.1.

ULI Greenprint Membership Tops 70

As proof of the real estate industry’s growing commitment to decarbonization, membership in the Urban Land Institute’s Greenprint Center for Building Performance has grown to more than 70 companies.

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