
Friday Funny: Zombies On Demand, Top Cities For Treats

Trick or treat! Find out where you can celebrate Halloween by ordering a Zombie delivered right to your door, or collecting the most candy possible

Friday Funny: 10 Worst Cities For A Zombie Apocalypse

How well will your organization survive a zombie apocalypse? It may all depend on where your facility is located. Office near a cemetery? Good luck – especially if you’re in Providence, RI.

Friday Funny: Hallowed Haunted Penitentiary Walls

Terror Behind the Walls begins with a critical decision: should visitors explore the prison and watch the action, or should they mark themselves to interact with the denizens of the cellblocks?

THROWBACK THURSDAY: Haunted Hospitality

Ghostly spirits make themselves as comfortable in America's B&Bs as living guests do. #throwbackthursday #tbt

Friday Funny: Would You Wear This To Work?

An office related costume can get everyone's attention more than a mask and a cape.

FRIDAY FUNNY: Zombie Safety Tips For Working Teens

The free Halloween themed online game takes players through a variety of workplaces and risks to illustrate how to work safely and avoid becoming a zombie.

FRIDAY FUNNY: Computers Possessed By Evil Spirits

Now this prank has been knocking around online for more than a year, but I'm sure some people have never heard of it. It's pretty funny and purely harmless.

FRIDAY FUNNY: Everyone Likes a Good Carving

As a morale and teamwork building exercise, Halloween at the office efforts can be a great management tool.

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