IBM Study: Leaders Struggle To Fund Sustainability Investments

An IBM study found that while a majority of organizations recognize sustainability as important, many struggle to fund their investments.

IBM Commits To Training Two Million in Artificial Intelligence

AI Training
Learners will benefit from a new generative AI course roadmap and collaborations with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) worldwide.

IBM Study: CEOs Are Embracing Generative AI

Half of CEOs surveyed report they are already integrating generative AI into digital products and services.

IBM Grants $5M To Boost Cybersecurity In Schools

Now in its third year, IBM Education Security Preparedness Grants offer students and teachers access to cyber and AI skills.

Did You Miss Our Facilities Management In The Post-Pandemic Era Webinar?

In this free video webinar, Michael A. Beauregard of IBM, Steve Weikal of the MIT Real Estate Technology Initiative, and Suri Suriyakumar of ARC Facilities explore the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on facilities management.

End to End Security Solution

Adesto’s SmartServer IoT edge server and the IBM Watson IoT Platform, together enabled by NXP’s ready-to-use A71CH secure element for IoT devices, provide an extra layer of security for businesses connecting their systems to the IBM Cloud.

Flexibility Has Positive Impact On Productivity

Companies that discontinue remote work and other forms of flexibility undercut productivity and collaboration gains, according to new research from the Flex+Strategy Group.

AI, Machine Learning Key To Cyber Resilience, Survey Finds

The study, conducted by Ponemon Institute and sponsored by IBM Resilient, found that 77% of respondents state they do not have a formal cyber security incident response plan applied consistently across their organizations.

EnOcean Alliance, IBM Join Forces

The EnOcean Alliance and IBM have joined forces to standardize intelligent building solutions for the Internet of Things.

Organizations Remain Unprepared For Cyberattacks

A two-year study by IBM and Ponemon shows a decline in cyber resilience in 2016: 66 percent aren’t confident in their ability to recover from cyberattacks.

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