The International Code Council document outlines guidance for RVIs, which are useful when buildings are inaccessible during a pandemic, but also for dangerous environments or other circumstances.
Celebrating its 40th year, the 2020 campaign promotes “Safer Buildings, Safer Communities, Safer World” and includes resources on important topics like disaster preparedness.
The proposed code by Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP) would require new commercial and high-rise residential buildings to facilitate installation of future electric vehicle charging.
The addition to Chapter 31 of the International Building Code (IBC) will spell out what code officials should look for in container construction to confirm structural safety.
The International Code Council released the unofficial voting results on code change proposals considered in 2018, including passage of 14 tall mass timber code change proposals.
A result of collaboration between the International Code Council, U.S. Green Building Council, ASHRAE, and the Illuminating Engineering Society, the new IgCC aims to help governments streamline code development and adoption for improved sustainability around the world.