Intelligent Buildings

New SEC Rules: Public Companies Must Disclose Climate Risks

This SEC ruling is the first time businesses will be held accountable for tracking their carbon footprint against specific goals.

Smart Buildings In Real Time

In an evolving landscape, smart buildings dynamically respond to the immediate and future needs of facility management and occupants.

10 Trends Driving Intelligent Buildings, From Navigant Research

According to a new report, evolutions in technology, delivery models, and customer demand are spurring the digital transformation of commercial buildings.

EnOcean Alliance, IBM Join Forces

The EnOcean Alliance and IBM have joined forces to standardize intelligent building solutions for the Internet of Things.

Cyber Security For Buildings

Building automation systems are one avenue for a cyber attack. A recent survey examines perceived roles.

Cyber Security In Real Estate

With headlines of cyber attacks on victims ranging from bank cards and Target to a Hollywood movie studio, the issue of cyber security has become top of mind. Facility executives should note several risks, remedies, and misconceptions about cyber security and building systems.

Teaching Old Buildings New Tricks

Retrofit or forward-fit? Smart systems give new life—and new return on investment—to aging facilities.

FRIDAY FUNNY: SimCity…For Buildings!

User interfaces in intelligent buildings are taking the lead from the computer gaming industry.

Professional Development: The Energy Future

Here are 10 concepts to watch now and in the coming years. From the May 2013 issue.

Commercial, Retail Buildings Fastest Adopters Of Remote Monitoring Services In Intelligent Buildings

Commercial and retail end users will drive the growth of remote monitoring services in intelligent buildings, accounting for more than 80% of the $400 million market in 2016, according to a new study by IMS Research, now part of IHS Inc.

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