Jim Elledge

Tricks Of The Trade: The Differences Between Aluminum And Copper

Jim Elledge scrutinizes the essential performance differences of these two materials. Former Tricks Columnist Elledge, facility/office services manager for Dallas, TX-based Summit Alliance Companies, is the recipient of the Distinguished Author Award from the International Facility Management Association (IFMA), is an IFMA Fellow, and is a member of TFM’s Editorial Advisory Board.

Tricks Of The Trade: Following Up On HVAC Trends

TFM Columnist Jim Elledge assists a graduate student in need of the latest information on cutting edge HVAC technologies. Former Tricks Columnist Elledge, facility/office services manager for Dallas, TX-based Summit Alliance Companies, is the recipient of the Distinguished Author Award from the International Facility Management Association (IFMA), is an IFMA Fellow, and is a member of TFM’s Editorial Advisory Board.

Tricks Of The Trade: Canadian Degrees

TFM Columnist Jim Elledge provides an overview of Canadian educational opportunities for facility management. Former Tricks Columnist Elledge, facility/office services manager for Dallas, TX-based Summit Alliance Companies, is the recipient of the Distinguished Author Award from the International Facility Management Association (IFMA), is an IFMA Fellow, and is a member of TFM’s Editorial Advisory Board.

Tricks Of The Trade: Tech Headcount

TFM Columnist Jim Elledge reveals the best methods of headcount calculation. Former Tricks Columnist Elledge, facility/office services manager for Dallas, TX-based Summit Alliance Companies, is the recipient of the Distinguished Author Award from the International Facility Management Association (IFMA), is an IFMA Fellow, and is a member of TFM’s Editorial Advisory Board.

Tricks Of The Trade: Maintenance Timetables

TFM Columnist Jim Elledge looks at labor hours per square foot. Former Tricks Columnist Elledge, facility/office services manager for Dallas, TX-based Summit Alliance Companies, is the recipient of the Distinguished Author Award from the International Facility Management Association (IFMA), is an IFMA Fellow, and is a member of TFM’s Editorial Advisory Board.

Tricks Of The Trade: Asset Management’s Market

TFM Columnist Jim Elledge pinpoints the size and scope of the asset management market in the U.S.

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Freedom Of Worship

Q. I have been asked to look into the modification and adaptation of some areas in our building and facilities to accommodate the daily prayer requirements of our Muslim employees. They have requested foot washing stations and a prayer room. We are a privately held manufacturer of custom sealing systems and mechanical seals. We employ standard machine shop practices and manufacturing processes. We operate a number of facilities in the states and some overseas. We have 350 employees worldwide. So my question is this. Have you had to deal with such requests? If so, what have you done? Is there a company policy covering this, and/or other religious activity on company property? Did you get complaints from other religious groups? Leon Joyce Facilities Manager Stein Seal Co. Kulpsville, PA This question was originally published in the October 2008 issue of Today’s Facility Manager. Read Elledge’s response here. Share your feedback and suggestions in the LEAVE A REPLY section below.

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: High-Rise Building Evacuations

In this new weekly offering, FacilityBlog will feature one question posted by a facility management professional to TFM‘s Tricks of the Trade Columnist Jim Elledge. While a link to Elledge’s response will be included, the goal of this exercise is to initiate even more discussion and encourage additional feedback within the facility management community. Q. Can you explain why, when a fire alarm goes off in a high-rise building, that the floor with the trouble is the only one (along with those above and below) with an activated alarm? Our school is responsible for five floors of an eight story building, and people are little concerned about being left out when the alarms go off on other floors and not theirs. I have found the code, but there is no explanation. Rod Caskey Facility Manager The Art Institute of Dallas Dallas, TX This question was originally published in the July 2009 issue of Today’s Facility Manager. Read Elledge’s response here. Share your feedback and suggestions in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below.

Tricks Of The Trade: Organizational Tools

TFM Columnist Jim Elledge gets one facility manager on track with a solution to her task management problems.

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