
The Time Is Now To Finally Crack The Split Incentive Barrier

The split incentive, the most common commercial lease structure, has long stood in the way of deep energy retrofits in tenant-occupied commercial space.

Workplace Reimagined: COVID-19 Reshapes Modern Office Experience

Facility professionals are evaluating long-term impacts from the pandemic shutdown. Some are exploring concepts and designs for the post-recovery office.

2018 Green Lease Leaders Recognized

Now in its fifth year, the Green Lease Leaders program administered by IMT and DOE increases visibility for real estate leaders who are implementing high-performance or energy-aligned leases.

Question Of The Week: Multiple Office Locations Or Single But Bigger Office?

When the time comes for one facility manager to consider his space management options, he is not sure whether to go for several spaces in multiple buildings or a larger space in one building.

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Lease Agreements

Any discussions regarding the charging of a fee for capital reserves and various landlord/tenant issues or concerns would be extremely helpful.

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