
Why Now Is The Time For A Lighting Upgrade

In the tech-forward lighting industry, fluorescents are yesterday's news. Today, LED lights are due for their first upgrades.

Future-Proofing The Savings And Decarbonization Potential Of Facility Lighting

The commercial lighting transformation continues with potential for controlled, networked lighting to wring more savings from uber-efficient LEDs.

Finding The (Right) Light

Lighting influences productivity, and directly impacts a building’s overall energy consumption. Elevate interior spaces with some of the latest innovations in lighting.

Energy Efficiency And Lighting Controls

The Inflation Reduction Act should push commercial building facility managers to include lighting controls in all or most projects.

MassArt Completes Energy, Water Efficiency Project

New equipment and control systems installed by Ameresco are expected to save the Massachusetts College Of Arts And Design up to $436,385 per year.

Community College Taps Into Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund

HEERF is helping the Community College of Allegheny County create a healthy, safe, and sustainable campus for more than 40,000 faculty and students.

Do More With Warehouse Lighting

In distribution centers, LED lighting can help reduce energy costs and lead to better control and flexibility over operations.

Smart Lighting Offers Facilities A Data Network To Support Health, Energy Savings

New research explores how sensor-based luminaire level lighting controls (LLLC) provide facility managers insight beyond energy management goals.

Wattstopper Digital Lighting Management Products Certified Cybersecure

Legrand announces its Wattstopper Digital Lighting Management (DLM) product family of networked lighting control systems is certified through the ioXt Alliance Certification Program.

Lambeau Field Upgrades Lighting Controls With Crestron

Home of the Green Bay Packers, the iconic NFL stadium selected Crestron to replace and upgrade lighting controls to create an advanced lighting automation system across the facility.
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