
Severe Weather: Protecting Facilities With Technology

How innovative weather technology protects utility providers and supports better emergency response coordination during weather disasters

How Monsoon Storms Can Impact Your Commercial HVAC Unit

Make sure your facility’s HVAC unit is able to perform optimally all monsoon season long while also maintaining a healthy indoor air quality.

When Lightning Strikes, Will You Be Ready?

The Lightning Protection Institute (LPI) is shining a spotlight on this hazard and expanding its "building lightning safe communities" initiative.

Summer Is Here, Be Lightning Aware

With summer officially begun, two groups focused on educating organizations and individuals about lighting highlight National Lighting Safety Awareness Week (June 24-30).

Lightning Safety At Outdoor Venues

Especially in summer months, lightning and other severe weather can threaten spectators, players, performers, and other guests at outdoor facilities.

WeatherSTEM Lightning Detection

The Professional Lightning Assistant is a lightning detection system that integrates lightning safety data from The Weather Company, an IBM Business, to notify users when lightning occurs within an identified perimeter.

Professional Development: Lightning Safety Tips

On average, lightning kills more people than hurricanes and tornadoes combined every year.

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Lightning Safety Best Practices

In this web exclusive, Don Leick writes, "Contrary to the common belief, the so-called flash-to-bang method—determining the distance of a storm by counting the time between the lightning flash and the sound of thunder—is not safe or accurate."

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