mental health

4 Supportive Design Strategies To Improve Mental Health In The Workplace

In honor of Suicide Awareness Month, see supportive design tactics that go hand-in hand with improved mental health.

Supporting The Neurodiverse Workforce With Inclusive Spaces

Facility managers are responsible for making sure neurodiverse workers are included and appropriately equipped to perform their best work.

Workplace Safety Issues Correlate With Worker Depression, Anxiety

National Safety Council calls on employers to address psychological safety for workers, offers a variety of resources and tools as guidance

Organizations Need To Address These Critical Facets Of Hybrid Work

New survey shows employers must prioritize mental health, remote options, and improved technology to promote employee advocacy and better work-life balance.

Updated Healthcare Facility Ventilation Standard Published

The updated edition of ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities offers guidance, regulation, and mandates to healthcare facilities designers.

Many Employees Feel Less Productive During COVID-19 Pandemic

Companies are adjusting to the new work-from-home world with mental health support and workday changes.

Employers Should Brace For Increased Employee Substance Misuse

As the country reopens from the coronavirus shutdown, National Safety Council urges employers to prepare for a surge in addiction issues and offers guidance for proper handling.

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