
Bacharach Gas Leak Monitoring

The MGS-400 Series detects refrigerant leaks and quickly initiates alarm systems to help protect personnel and achieve compliance with safety standards.

Biodigester Handles New York Food Distributor’s Organic Waste

Faced with New York City's stringent commercial recycling laws as part of its “Zero Waste Design Guidelines,” Jersey Lynne Farms composts its solid food waste into drain-safe wastewater on site.

Honeywell Sensepoint XCL Gas Detector

The Sensepoint XCL is a Bluetooth-enabled fixed gas detector for commercial and light industrial applications that can be set up and maintained using a smartphone app.

Model C Gas Detector by Grace Industries

The Model C gas detector and the calibratable Model C+ identify fuel oil concentrations of less than 200 ppm or gas leaks of less than one cubic foot per year.

Climate Change Deniers, Wake Up And Smell The Methane

In the words of George Carlin, "The planet's going to be fine. It's going to shake us off like a bad case of fleas." In the words of Business Facilities Editor Jack Rogers, the shaking-off process has begun.

FRIDAY FUNNY: Bovine Boosters Buoy Bowl

On the farm in Michigan, methane gas is being captured before it enters the atmosphere. This action generates registered carbon credits, which Entergy is purchasing to offset greenhouse gas emissions from Super Bowl-related activities.

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