
Friday Funny: Wash ‘Em, Just Wash ‘Em

Jefferson University Hospital has elevated hand washing to an art form. The hospital put together an impressive video that serves as a tribute to the king of all music videos, Michael Jackson. This organization's latest effort to boost healthy hand washing practices is a video called "Wash 'Em."

FRIDAY FUNNY: Going Gaga Over Neverland

Either the eccentric songstress is purely seeking publicity or she is genuinely enthusiastic over the prospect of taking on a project more massive than Michael Jackson's plastic surgery obsession....or both.

Weird Wednesday: Finding Neverland Among The Tumbleweeds

While the glitzy enclave once served as a happy retreat for many children (and some adults with overly developed Peter Pan complexes), the scene took on a sinister tone after Jackson's 2005 child molestation trial. The property has been left relatively unattended ever since, as Jackson became more reclusive and found it increasing difficult to maintain the property and pay its operations staff.

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