National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Preparing For The Worst: Planning For Facilities Resilience

Organizational leaders are focused on long-term planning efforts to prepare for an increase in extreme weather events.

How Building Owners Can Optimize Their HVAC This Summer

heat wave
Heat waves are putting mission-critical facilities at risk this summer, and FMs need to ensure HVAC systems are able to take the heat.

Elevator Safety During Hurricane Season

Elevator companies have become more proactive about offering product solutions that help mitigate passenger entrapment and equipment damage.

Understanding The Four Phases Of Emergency Management

When it comes to emergency management, uniform guidelines help facilities and communities handle natural disasters safely and efficiently.

Resilience And The Built Environment

Much of the discussion in the construction community about how to withstand one-time devastating events as well as repeated lesser events that take a toll on the built environment have been centered around the concept of resilience.

Conditions Still Point To Above-Average Hurricane Season

With up to 10 hurricanes predicted before the end of November, the Atlantic hurricane season shows no signs of slowing, according to NOAA mid-season update.

Build Resilient Structures in High Wind Areas

Design solutions and resources to help prepare and protect structures against damage due to high wind events.

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