Natural Disasters

Lessons From Fukushima

A third of the population in the U.S., or roughly 120 million people, lives within a 50 mile radius of a nuclear reactor. Current emergency planning rules require utilities to develop and exercise emergency evacuation plans within a 10 mile radius around reactors.

Supporting Joplin’s Extreme Makeover

More than 140 pieces of construction equipment were delivered to seven construction sites in the city destroyed by a tornado earlier this year.

NEW SERVICE SPOTLIGHT: Rolyn Priority Disaster Planning Service

The new service allows fms to make a decision about prices and capabilities in advance, before a disaster strikes their facilities, instead of in the chaotic midst of a disaster or emergency situation.

Emergency Preparedness: Facility Professionals See Room for Improvement

In spite of obstacles, fms largely report making progress in emergency preparedness and business continuity planning since 2001, while also noting there is more work to be done.

Keeping An Eye On Hurricane Irene

This guest post comes from Bill Begal is a straightforward directive to all facilities management professionals who may have to deal with the aftermath of the storm that's about to strike.

Key Groups Support Safe Building Code Incentive Act

In addition to saving lives and reducing property loss, statewide building codes based on recognized standards can protect the environment from waste caused by rebuilding after a disaster.

IRN Seeks Summer Surplus for Tornado and Other Relief

This summer, IRN is making a special request on behalf of tornado and flood victims in Missouri, Alabama, Massachusetts, and elsewhere: consider reuse as an alternative to disposal of surplus furnishings and other inventory.

ICC CEO Calls for Using Strong Codes in Haiti Recovery

"Use of building safety codes results in fewer injuries and lives lost," affirms Richard P. Weiland, Chief Executive Officer of the International Code Council.
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