
Sustainability Tech Modernizes Today’s Olympics Arenas

Organizers aim to model smart energy use while providing optimal comfort and safety for athletes and spectators at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Will Pest Populations Rise This Fall, Winter?

Bed Bugs
Paris is experiencing a bedbug outbreak: NPMA's Fall & Winter 2023 Bug Barometer looks at what's ahead for pest populations in the U.S.

Friday Funny: A Workout-Powered Cruise Of The Seine River

It's amazing what humans can do when they harness their energy: The Paris Navigating Gym travels the Seine River with energy from passenger workouts.

FRIDAY FUNNY: Paris In China

The Atlantic reports: "As the saying goes, 'The way to live best is to eat Chinese food, drive an American car, and live in a British house. That’s the ideal life.'” There's the difference: live in a BRITISH house, not a Parisian apartment.

FRIDAY FUNNY: "La Guerre des Post-It"

Gigantic retro cartoon and video game characters are terrorizing the urban landscape, and employees are spending thousands of hours planning their next visual assault.

FRIDAY FUNNY: “La Guerre des Post-It”

Gigantic retro cartoon and video game characters are terrorizing the urban landscape, and employees are spending thousands of hours planning their next visual assault.

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