Public Restrooms

It’s Flu Season: Are Americans Washing Their Hands?

An increasing number of Americans say they frequently see others leave public restrooms without washing their hands, finds Healthy Handwashing Survey.

Salt Lake City Convenience Store Wears America’s Best Restroom Crown

2024 America’s Best Restroom
In recognition of its commitment to cleanliness and comfort, Maverik – Adventure’s First Stop is the winner of Cintas’ 2024 America’s Best Restroom® Contest.

Check Out These 10 Top-Notch Restrooms: Which Is Your Favorite?

This week, Cintas named the top 10 finalists in its 2024 America’s Best Restroom contest. Check out these innovative restroom facilities and vote for your favorite by August 16. 

A Closer Look: Inclusive Hygiene And Public Restrooms

Restrooms impact employee experience: one in six respondents surveyed by Tork said they've left a job because of a poor restroom.

Enhancing Office Hygiene Starts In The Restroom

Demand for touch-free restroom products rose significantly in 2020. Four years post-pandemic, the desire for these solutions remains.

Why Do Some Americans Skip Washing Their Hands?

Top complaints about public restrooms are clogged or unflushed toilets; an old, dirty or unkempt appearance; and unpleasant smells, according to the latest Healthy Handwashing Survey.

BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport Is America’s Best Restroom!

BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport
BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport's new restrooms earn a spot in America's Best Restroom Hall of Fame. Plus, five ways to celebrate National Custodial Workers Recognition Day.

Don’t Let A Messy Restroom Get Your Company Canceled

Most Americans seek out – and spend more – at businesses with clean bathrooms, while canceling companies with dirty ones.

Does Your Facility’s Restroom Rock?

If your facility's public restroom is exceptional, Cintas is seeking nominations for its 2023 America’s Best Restroom nationwide contest.

Americans Agree On This: Washing Your Hands Is Important!

Nearly all adults believe handwashing is essential to maintaining overall health and wellbeing, according to a new survey. 

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