
Johnson Controls Selects R-454B As Future Refrigerant For New HVAC Equipment

This decision was made as the HVAC industry prepares to phase out high-GWP refrigerants, such as R-410A, now formally addressed by EPA through recently passed AIM Act.

Honeywell Solstice N41 Receives “A1” Designation From ASHRAE

Solstice N41 refrigerant is the first A1, nonflammable, reduced global warming potential (GWP), R-410A replacement refrigerant developed for stationary air conditioning systems.

Daikin Adopts R-32 Refrigerant

Daikin companies in North America announced they are developing ducted and ductless residential, light-commercial, and applied products utilizing R-32 refrigerant.

Bacharach Gas Leak Monitoring

The MGS-400 Series detects refrigerant leaks and quickly initiates alarm systems to help protect personnel and achieve compliance with safety standards.

Honeywell Introduces Low GWP Refrigerant, Solstice N41

This nonflammable, R-410A replacement refrigerant has received a provisional number and a preliminary A1 designation from ASHRAE, one stipulation needed to bring the product to market.

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