
A2L Refrigerant Leak Detection

How emerging mildly flammable refrigerants are dictating the need for improved leak detection strategies.

Bohn Adopts Chemours New Refrigerants

Bohn de Mexico adopts non-ozone depleting, low global warming potential refrigerants for its BOHN Ecoflex commercial refrigeration equipment.

Why The Refrigerant Matters—For Green HVAC And Much More

Refrigerants can be used strategically to help facility managers reduce energy costs.

AHRI, Others Petition EPA On HFC Phase Down Rule

Proposed standards will result in an additional half billion tons of CO2 reduction above what already is projected to be achieved by the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act.

Honeywell Introduces Solstice E-Cooling For Data Centers, Electronics

The new Solstice® E-Cooling heat transfer agents from Honeywell cool data centers and other electronic applications with greater efficiency and reduced environmental impact.

Honeywell Solstice N41 Receives “A1” Designation From ASHRAE

Solstice N41 refrigerant is the first A1, nonflammable, reduced global warming potential (GWP), R-410A replacement refrigerant developed for stationary air conditioning systems.

CREW President Shares Insights On Facilities For 2020

In this Q&A, Holly Neber, 2019 President of the CREW (Commercial Real Estate Women) Network and CEO of AEI Consultants, looks ahead for facilities.

ALDI Lauded As Industry Leader In Sustainable Refrigeration

The EPA's GreenChill Partnership has recognized ALDI as the grocery retailer with the most GreenChill store certifications in the past year.

Bacharach Launches Fall Campaign For HVAC-R Combustion Tools

The 2019 fall heating season campaign offers a free multi-year subscription (until December 31) to Bacharach’s B-Smart® pre-calibrated sensor exchange program, or a free combustible gas leak detector.

YORK YZ Chiller From Johnson Controls

This new magnetic bearing centrifugal chiller is fully optimized for performance with a next generation low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant.

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