smoke detection

Safeguarding Historic Structures With Advanced Smoke Detection

Open-area Smoke Imaging Detection (OSID) offers early warning in high, voluminous spaces without intrusive ceiling mounts.

DMP 1100T Wireless Translator

The 1100T Wireless Translator allows alarm companies to upgrade their customers’ existing wireless sensors to DMP panels, receivers, and software management tools.

Hospitality Industry Turns To Aspirating Smoke Detection

Aspirating smoke detection technology enhances safety, eases inspection and maintenance of high ceiling applications common in the hospitality industry.

Performance-Based Design And Advanced Fire Detection Systems

Facility managers can minimize underused space and cost effectively optimize safety with aspirating systems that continuously take in smoke at identifiable, concealable sample points.

Advancements In Smoke Detectors

The updated UL 268, Standard for Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems will be in effect June 2021.

Why VESDA? Leveraging Air Sampling Smoke Detection Within Your Fire Alarm System

A VESDA “Aspirating Smoke Detector" alerts a facility’s fire safety system before an emergency unfolds, giving you time to evaluate and eliminate the potential hazard before it becomes a true safety issue.

Protect Smoke Detectors from Abuse

Steel Web Stoppers incorporate a patented web-like octagon shape that simulates a spider’s web to protect smoke detectors where abuse is severe.

Aspirating Smoke Detection Technology From Xtralis

Addressable and able to detect the presence of smoke earlier than traditional equipment, the VESDA-E VEA system fits many facilities' needs.

NetBotz 250 Simplifies Data Center Security

NetBotz 250 offers simplified data center security, combining environmental monitoring and rack access control into a single piece of equipment.

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