social distance

Realty Trust Group Offers Guidance On Healthcare ETS

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, OSHA's Emergency Temporary Standards address a number of enhanced standards designed to protect employees in healthcare facilities.

Stylex Quick Upholstered Screens

The Quick collection of upholstered screens present a way to carve out private, protected spaces within open-plan environments.

Zoneworks EZ Employee Separation Barriers By Rite-Hite

EZ Employee Separation Barriers are floor and table top workstation partitions that help keep employees safe when social distancing isn’t possible.

Armstrong Extends Free Pump Manager Service

To help facilitate remote HVAC management during the COVID-19 pandemic, Armstrong is extending the offer of free subscriptions for its cloud-based service, Pump Manager.

Designing For Distance

Architectural design in a post-COVID-19 world requires fostering human connectivity while maintaining safety. Find out how flooring plays a role in designing for distance.

Saltmine Enables Digital Workplace Design

Saltmine's new social distancing features will help businesses reconfigure workspaces for the safe return of their employees.

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