Social Responsibility

What Is The New Value Of Safety?

A new National Safety Council report takes a fresh look at interconnectedness of safety, sustainability, and societal responsibility.

Allseating Achieves BIFMA LEVEL®3 In Seating Category

Allseating is first Canadian manufacturer to reach highest level of responsible product manufacturing across all product categories.

Sustaining Efforts In Sustainability

Corporate sustainability encompasses a broad range of strategies designed to create value for stakeholders, consumers, and employees.

Convergint Initiative Strengthens School Security

Convergint Technologies announced its STEP Up initiative for school security as part of their ongoing community efforts to help address the alarming issues facing schools across the United States.

Question Of The Week: Artwork Procurement And Facility Management?

Options abound for organizations that are shopping for artwork to grace their facilities. What is your involvement, and where do you find art that fits the bill for your buildings?

PNC Financial Services Group Meets Carbon Reduction Goal

Ahead of schedule to meet this goal, the firm has set its sights on reaching its energy consumption goal by end of 2017.

Center For Companies That Care Recognizes Socially Responsible Employers

Organization finds that employee engagement is positively affected by employer engagement.

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