student safety

Keeping Schools Safe With High Performance Windows, Doors

New website highlights innovative glass solutions that create secure, yet welcoming, learning environments.

Back to School Facilities Tool Kit

Brooklyn Laboratory Charter Schools (LAB) launched the “Back to School Facilities Tool Kit” through a partnership with Urban Projects Collaborative (UPC) and five leading design firms—Gensler, PBDW, PSF Projects, SITU, and WXY—to serve as a visual guide for schools preparing to reopen after COVID-19 closures.

School Safety & Emergency Messaging

Ambit for Education delivers safety, emergency, and operations management using smart mobile devices to connect schools to people, wherever they are.

Convergint Initiative Strengthens School Security

Convergint Technologies announced its STEP Up initiative for school security as part of their ongoing community efforts to help address the alarming issues facing schools across the United States.

Securitech One-Press Classroom Lock

The QID functions as a classroom lock for everyday use with the ability to instantly deadbolt a classroom door with the push of a single red button.

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