Tech Support

FRIDAY FUNNY: Optimizing Your IT Department

This is apparently how IT professionals see tech support calls from their side of the fence.

FRIDAY FUNNY: Tech Support Gone Wrong

Check out this collection of allegedly true frustrating phone calls between clueless customers and those attempting to assist them with their technical difficulties. Some people are just beyond help, it seems....

FRIDAY FUNNY: Tech Support Meets Who's On First

While this has been knocking around for some time, it's still quite funny. Imagine if Bud Abbott and Lou Costello were alive today. Their infamous sketch, 'Who's on First?' might have turned out something like this.

FRIDAY FUNNY: Which Came First? The Dopey Question or the Incomprehensible Answer?

Ever since computers became part of the workplace, users have struggled to keep their machines up and running. So what's a user to do? Call tech support. Easier said than done, as illustrated by this collection of "real" tech support nightmares.

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