
Standing Up To Extreme Weather

Extreme Weather
Routine inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM) is a critical part of a facility manager’s role when dealing with extreme weather.

Life Safety Systems: Inspection, Testing, And Maintenance Save Lives

Periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of life safety systems is key to keeping systems up-to-date and ensuring the protection of occupants, property, and reputation.

Breaking News: SCOTUS Blocks Biden’s Workplace Vaccine, Testing ETS

The Supreme Court ruled that the Biden administration does not have the authority to impose workplace vaccine or testing requirements, blocking an OSHA ETS. 

OSHA Extends COVID-19 ETS Comment Period

The comment period for OSHA's COVID-19 vaccination and testing emergency temporary standard has been extended to mid-January.

Builders Hardware That Makes The Grade

Find door hardware to meet performance requirements using BHMA’s new Certified Product Directory.

Sprinkler Systems And Maintenance

Keeping up with regular inspections, testing and maintenance of sprinkler systems in buildings is vital to ensure proper operation.

Fiberlock IAQ 2500 Approved By EPA To Kill SARS-CoV-2 In 60 Seconds

The disinfectant solution from Fiberlock quickly kills the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, according to new testing.

Quiet Mark Launches In U.S. To Combat Noise Pollution

Proprietary testing program from the Noise Abatement Society offers support for nation’s health and well-being by helping to find the quietest solutions in over 50 product categories.

ICC Launches New Cloud-based Testing System

PRONTO allows candidates to take professional certification exams securely any time of day.

Sprinklers, Standpipes, And Pumps

Water-based fire protection is addressed with NFPA 25, a standard for inspections of system wear and tear.

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