
Tricks Of The Trade: High-Tech Cigarettes

To smoke or not to smoke? That is the question. How should facility managers draw the line with electronic cigarettes? Folsom examines this issue. From the July 2013 issue.

Higher Education Case Study: Future Proof

A new complex on a community college campus in Menifee, CA was built to last. From the July 2013 issue.

Professional Development: Not Your Father’s Metal Building

Advancements in construction and performance have expanded the reach of this material. From the July 2013 issue.

Services & Maintenance: Honing In On Pest Birds

Facility managers use maintenance and exclusion tactics to repel unwelcome guests. From the July 2013 issue.

July 2013 Issue (Volume 26, Number 6)

Reflecting the variety of topics and strategies fms handle each day, with an eye on both the short- and long-term, this month's issue contains a diverse collection of articles,with several highlight the value of partnerships. From the July 2013 issue.

Renewable Energy: Combined Heat And Power With Fuel Cells

Carbonate technology provides one option for on-site power, thermal management. From the July 2013 issue.

FM Issue: NextGen Electrical

Expanding requirements for distribution systems can be met using molded case circuit breakers. From the July 2013 issue.

Tricks Of The Trade: Comprehensive Audits

Folsom goes through the basic steps of setting up a facility audit program and makes recommendations for a facility management professional in Dubai. From the July 2013 issue.

Web Based FM Trends: The Internet Of Things

While not quite here yet, going “IP all the way” can reduce the complexity of building system networks. From the July 2013 issue.

FM Frequency: A Place Called Subiaco

A sprawling campus in western Arkansas is a vibrant nonprofit, multiuse facility. From the July 2013 issue.

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