The Environment

Results: CoreNet Global/Jones Lang LaSalle Sustainability Survey

Results reveal a corporate real estate industry in the process of reconciling the focus on reducing environmental impacts of buildings with the need to control costs and support corporate financial performance.

CA Buildings Going For Zero Net Energy

the state’s Action Plan for Buildings provides a roadmap to transform five billion square feet of commercial space to “net zero” energy users by 2030.

White Paper: Economics of Sustainability in Commercial Real Estate

The IFMA Foundation — a global leader in education and research for professionals in the built environment — has released “The Economics of Sustainability in Commercial Real Estate,” a practical, real-world study of the incentives and motivations of real estate managers to invest in energy efficiency retrofits. The white paper explains why some investments are made over others and presents an economic framework to evaluate competing capital investment decisions, including decisions between energy efficiency upgrades and cosmetic improvements. Among the paper’s findings: Commercial building owners often find the best return on investment in sustainable upgrades before a significant lease rollover; Public perception is a driving factor for many public companies considering energy efficiency improvements; and Owners are more likely to invest in energy efficient upgrades when tax incentives are in place. The paper includes a case study on energy efficiency retrofits at the Empire State Building, where project managers aim to reduce energy use by 38 percent. The case study details the eight projects selected among dozens and describes how managers arrived at a 38 percent energy savings goal. Relevant industry questions answered by the paper include: How does an energy efficiency improvement project get implemented? Who is the driver behind energy efficiency projects? What financial metrics are used to determine if a retrofit investment makes economic sense? How does a real estate manager choose among competing capital investments? The study’s authors are Kristian Peterson, director of consulting for Sustainability Roundtable, a member-based, shared-cost consulting and research consortium focused on ... Read more

EU Stressing Importance of Solar Thermal Energy

By 2020, the majority of outdated heating systems in Europe must be replaced with new systems which optimally combine both energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. Yet, the aims of the EU can only be reached if solar heat recovery takes on a significantly stronger role.

EPDM Recycling Program Achieves Milestone

In all, roughly 1.25 million pounds of reclaimed EPDM membrane has been diverted from landfills in the past three years.

Standard 189.1 Code for High Performance Green Buildings

The goal of Standard 189.1 is to provide significant energy reduction over that in ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 (with a broader scope than Standard 90.1)and suggest minimum requirements for the siting, design, and construction of high performance, green buildings.

NEW SERVICE SPOTLIGHT: Power Purchase Agreement By Borrego Solar

Borrego Solar Systems, Inc. recently introduced a financing option for schools, companies, and government organizations that want to begin using solar energy to power their facilities.

Envion Launches Plastic Waste to Oil Converter

The Envion Oil Generator (EOG) converts any type of plastic waste into high quality, synthetic light medium oil for less than $10 per barrel.

FSC 100 Million Acres Strong

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) reports the area of forests managed according to its environmental and social standards has surpassed the 100 million acre mark.

NEW PRODUCT FLASH: Natural Furniture Polish

Olive oil-based furniture polish from Earth Friendly Products cleans and conditions.

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