water heaters

To Repair Or Replace

Many water heating equipment breakdowns can be prevented with routine maintenance.

Ontario Office Building Optimizes Boiler System

In Ontario, the office building achieved optimal heating performance, increased efficiency with an upgraded boiler system.

SDG&E To Study Potential Of Hydrogen As Decarbonization Tool

At the UC San Diego campus, San Diego Gas & Electric Company hopes to explore the feasibility of using hydrogen blended gas in common building equipment such as boilers and water heaters.

Lochinvar Condensing Water Heaters Expansion

The ARMOR Condensing Water Heaters line now includes five new models, ranging from 399,000 BTU/hr to 1 million BTU/hr, joining five models from 1.25 million BTU/hr to 4 million BTU/hr.

Lochinvar Monitors Fuel/Air Ratio

RealTime O2 Feedbackâ„¢ technology constantly monitors the fuel/air ratio when the boiler is running, and provides a real-time report to allow for instant adjustments.

2020 SOLUTIONS For FM: Micro CHP XRGI25 From Lochinvar

Lochinvar, a manufacturer of energy efficient water heating solutions, launched the Micro CHP XRGI25 cogeneration system. Jeff Vallett, market segment manager, provides details on how facility managers can utilize the technology.

Remote Monitoring for Hot Water Systems

The iCOMM Connectivity Platform provides remote monitoring for commercial hot water systems.

Modulating Fan Expansion

Tjernlund Products has expanded its offering of fan designs to meet the increased demand for energy efficient exhaust systems.

Lochinvar Boosts CREST Condensing Boiler Efficiency

An upgraded combustion system and new 316L stainless steel heat exchanger provides up to 96% thermal efficiency in six models.

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