Weird Wednesday

THROWBACK THURSDAY: Haunted Hospitality

Ghostly spirits make themselves as comfortable in America's B&Bs as living guests do. #throwbackthursday #tbt

WEIRD WEDNESDAY: Weekday Exorcisms Not Advised

Facility managers have to deal with some unusual situations. But when it comes to getting rid of demons, well, that takes facility management to an entirely different level.


In northern Sweden, travelers will be able to escape to the trees later this year.

WEIRD WEDNESDAY: Strange Bedfellows?

Three Holiday Inn locations are trying out a new way to provide guests a good night's sleep.

WEIRD WEDNESDAY: What’s Up With That Fly?

From New York to Amsterdam to Moscow and Singapore, flies are invading unlikely places: public urinals. Decals and paintings of the critters are being incorporated into the porcelain bowls in an effort to reduce the mess associated with public restrooms for men.

WEIRD WEDNESDAY: The Table That's DeLightful

It can be difficult to start conversation among strangers, which is why RCA designer Thomas Urban Gardner has done his best to help "break the ice" with this groovy invention.

Weird Wednesday: ‘Twas the night before the night before…

Here are some unusual tidbits about traditions associated with the Christmas tradition.

WEIRD WEDNESDAY: Round And Round We Go

A family in Australia built a house to maximize the benefit they glean from the sun.

Weird Wednesday: A Man And His Toothpicks

Stan Munro of Syracuse, NY has an unusual profession: he builds with toothpicks. We're not talking about school project or Boy/Girl Scout merit badge caliber, but entire recognizable architectural monuments from around the world.

Weird Wednesday: My Home is My Casulo

This complete furniture set can be set up in less than 10 minutes and later disassembled and repacked like a standard pallet. No tools are needed in the process.

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