From burnt popcorn to bad budgets, Charles C. Carpenter, CFM gifts us with a holiday musical parody that highlights his least favorite things, facility management style.
National Pretzel Day is an unofficial food holiday that is celebrated annually on April 26. On this day, fans of these treats pay tribute to pretzels of all kinds.
These little workplace humor tidbits were originally posted by Lane Olinghouse. Feel free to add your own in the comments section or share over the table at Thanksgiving (or any family dinner, for that matter).
As the last Friday in July, this is officially System Administration Appreciation Day. (Did you even know such a day existed before reading this post?)
This Friday Funny illustrates how attempts at accommodating staff preferences and creature comforts can go awry at times. Here’s a humorous look at how a common perk, casual Fridays, can veer off the tracks