Through FM Framework, IFMA has partnered with eight organizations in the built environment industry, and at its World Workplace conference this week recognized members making a difference for facility management.
The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) Foundation awarded scholarships to 27 students at the 2019 IFMA World Workplace Conference and Expo.
In Houston, TX, the International Facility Management Association closed out its 2017 conference with Awards of Excellence, a Chair Citation for Workplace Evolutionaries group, and new class of IFMA Fellows.
Davies Office has won this award for the innovation displayed in designing, manufacturing, and delivering an environmentally conscious exhibit at World Workplace 2013.
As a show of investment in the profession, Staples is awarding scholarships to young facility managers; it also offers supplies and services to help seasoned managers keep their buildings running smoothly.
Global FM representatives will announce the winners of the third annual Global FM Awards for Excellence in Facilities Management during IFMA's World Workplace. The 2012 series of international workshops will finish with events in Brazil and the U.S.