On September 29, 2006, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center in Baltimore, MD will host the full day seminar “Legionella Control in Hospitals”. Matthew Freije, president of HC Information Resources, Inc., will teach the course geared for facility managers, safety officers, infection control coordinators, industrial hygienists, public health officials, plumbing technicians, and those that offer services related to water treatment, plumbing systems, cooling towers, or infection control.
Freije, author of “Legionellae Control in Health Care Facilities: A Guide for Minimizing Risk”, will cover overall risk reduction strategies and then discuss guidelines, preventive measures for plumbing systems and cooling towers, interpretation of water test results, and disinfection technology for plumbing systems. Television news clips on outbreaks and prevention will also be shown.
The $350 tuition ($295 each for groups of three or more) includes a course manual, copy of Freije’s book, a certificate, and 0.6 continuing education units.
Seats are available on a first come, first served basis. To register or get more information, go to www.hcinfo.com or telephone 1-800-801-8050.
HC Information Resources Inc. provides publications, consulting, training, and expert testimony related to Legionella and other waterborne pathogens. It does not manufacture or sell equipment or chemicals, so its recommendations are based strictly on scientific studies and field experience, without bias. The company web site, www.hcinfo.com, is referenced and linked by government agencies, professional societies, and news media throughout the world for information on Legionnaires’ disease and the control of waterborne pathogens.