Friday Funny: Let’s Talk Turkey

Nearly eight in ten (79%) U.S. adults agree having a fridge full of leftovers is the best thing about hosting Thanksgiving.

(Credit: Jupiterimages)

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and whether you’re dreaming of stuffing, pumpkin pie, or the main event — the turkey — the traditional holiday meal offers something for everyone.

But for many, it’s what comes after the meal that matters most: Nearly eight in ten (79%) U.S. adults agree having a fridge full of leftovers is the best thing about hosting Thanksgiving. This could explain why seven in ten (71%) say they’d rather cook Thanksgiving dinner than eat in a restaurant, according to the results of The Harris Poll® of 2,225 U.S. adults.

Turkey Rules The Thanksgiving Roost

A tasty turducken. (Credit:

Turkey (39%) is tops when Americans vote on which traditional dish they most look forward to at Thanksgiving, followed by stuffing (23%) and pumpkin pie (12%). Americans also look forward to mashed potatoes (9%), sweet potatoes (6%), and cranberry sauce (3%).

While the turkey reigns supreme among all, Millennials are less likely than all other generations to say it’s what they most look forward to (30% vs. 39% Gen Xers, 46% Baby Boomers, and 45% Matures). However, they’re more likely (16%) – along with Gen Xers (10%)– to say they’re looking forward to the mashed potatoes than Baby Boomers (5%) & Matures (2%).

(Credit: Jupiterimages)

Feasters are definitely open to trying something new with their bird. When asked about alternatives to a traditional roasted turkey, half of Americans show an interest in giving grilled turkey (52%) or deep fried turkey (49%) a try, with an additional one in ten saying they’ve already tried a deep fried bird or will be giving it a go this year.

Some are even more adventurous: Nearly three in ten (28%) are interested in trying a turducken (a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey) at their Thanksgiving dinner. And despite all the turkey lovers out there, one quarter (25%) say they’d be interested in skipping the turkey completely.

Finally, when the main course is done and it’s time for dessert, women are more likely than men to show a penchant for pumpkin pie (15% vs. 9%).

FacilityBlog, Friday Funny

Friday Funny, Harris Interactive, holidays, Survey, thanksgiving, turducken, turkey

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