Bird Control Expert Shares Top 5 Tips
Cory Gellerstedt of Nixalite of America Inc, a respected authority on humane bird control, offers these tips for eliminating pest birds without harming them:
Analyze the Problem
Identify the type and number of birds causing the problem. Note the areas they are landing and roosting. Eliminate food and water sources if possible.
Research Available Products
Choose a reliable company that offers free technical support and installation plans. Don’t make your decision on price alone. Consider maintenance costs, product lifespan and installation costs when comparing price and value.
Consider Using a Combination of Products
The products you choose depend on the size and number of birds, the types of areas you wish to protect, and a host of other factors. The most effective, durable, and economical devices are “porcupine wire” and bird netting, providing they are of quality construction and installed properly. Pin and wire, non-lethal chemical repellents, and scare devices have their place in some situations. Sticky pastes and ultrasonic devices are not recommended.
Plan For Proper Installation
Decide if you want to install the bird control products yourself or have a qualified contractor do the job. Either way, make sure that all areas have been carefully measured per manufacturer’s instructions to ensure that you order the correct amount of materials.
Treat Droppings with Caution
Bird droppings are hazardous waste. Thoroughly cleaning, disinfecting, and deodorizing the surface is imperative in order to protect people from infection. It also discourages pest birds from following the scent back to their old roosts. Check with your local health department for proper disposal methods.