MAKO Solution Modular LED Lighting by M3 Innovation

The MAKO Solution is a simplified modular LED lighting system allowing municipalities to access energy-efficient lighting for outdoor sports.

MAKO Solution Modular LED Lighting by M3 Innovation Field Lights M3 Innovation is changing the game in the $4 billion outdoor municipal sports lighting market in North America with its energy-efficient solution focused on the high school and parks and recreation fields. The MAKO Solution was launched in late 2021. This modular LED lighting system allows municipalities to access energy-efficient LED lighting without the need for complicated infrastructure. It reduces energy consumption by more than 75% and features snap-on technology modules for a variety of uses, from disinfecting turf fields for mold and bacteria with UV lighting to incorporating live, video streaming capabilities.

With the support of the Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems at Syracuse University (SyracuseCoE) and backed by NYSTAR, Empire State Development’s Division of Science, Technology and Innovation, M3 Innovation’s MAKO modular LED lighting solution is solving the high costs of ownership of conventional LED sports lighting. This solution significantly reduces the manufacturing costs, reduces the cost of installation, eliminates project management cost, and eliminates reoccurring costs. The MAKO module is both the structural cross-arm and the LED lighting source.

MAKO Solution Modular LED Lighting by M3 Innovation Students Eliminating the need for traditional lighting infrastructure, such as bulky cross arms, expensive wiring connection, and heavyweight fixtures, required plenty of support in applying research and testing protypes. That’s why the resources available at the NYSTAR-funded SyracuseCoE provided the ideal partner for M3 Innovation. This partnership, along with being a member of the Startup NY program, gave the business access to the research and development facilities and staff resources necessary to build prototypes for testing along, with marketing demonstrations.

SyracuseCoE is a vital part of New York State’s innovation infrastructure — a robust, statewide network overseen by NYSTAR that provides innovators, entrepreneurs and business leaders with access to resources and support to solve challenges, develop technology and grow companies. Across the state, there are over 70 NYSTAR-backed centers.

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Construction, Energy Management & Lighting, Exterior Lighting, FacilityBlog, Lighting Products & Controls, New Product Flash, Products & Services, Sustainable Solutions & Technologies

LED lighting system, M3 Innovation, MAKO Solution, Modular LED Lighting, NYSTAR, Sports Complex Lighting, SyracuseCoE

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