Presented by TFM and NEMA’s enLIGHTen America initiative, the “Codes and Controls” webinar on February 14, 2013 focused on current and upcoming energy and green code requirements for lighting controls. Facility managers in commercial and institutional settings should be aware of how their organizations can save energy and money by implementing lighting controls. Meanwhile, an October 2011 ruling from the U.S. Department of Energy requiring all states to adopt an energy code as stringent as ASHRAE Standard 90.1 by October 18, 2013 will impact lighting purchases.
The event, which was attended by professionals working in a cross-section of facility types and locations, provided several perspectives, with experts from three NEMA member companies contributing their insight. The speakers discussed the lighting controls technologies and strategies available to facilities, how the building codes figure in, and what type of results facility managers can achieve. The speakers were: Michael Jouaneh, CEM, LEED AP, manager of sustainability & energy standards at Lutron and vice chair, Lighting Controls Association; Rita Renner, director of marketing & communications for WattStopper; and Brian Carberry, director of product management at Leviton.
Slides from the presentation, “Codes and Controls,” are now available for viewing and download at this link.