The American Association of Automatic Door Manufacturers (AAADM) is gearing up for March 19 and the second observance of National Automatic Door Day. It’s a lighthearted way to celebrate the greatness of automatic doors, promoting messages of health, convenience, accessibility, equality and simply the love for automated entryways that unites the industry. The inaugural celebration was held on the same date last year.
This festive day was created to celebrate all these facets, from ease and convenience to the vital services they perform.
To celebrate, AAADM has created a variety of assets for download, including a logo, sample messages, and entertaining-yet-informative social media posts to raise awareness.
“We are proud to highlight the positives that automatic doors bring to daily life,” said AAADM president Len Pursell. “National Automatic Door Day is a fun way to remind the designers, builders, and owners of public places – and the public – about why automatic doors are the preferred method of building entry for millions of people every day.”
Look for National Automatic Door Day messaging across communication platforms for AAADM and its member companies from now until the big day on March 19.