The Revolution Reception™ Table from PS Furniture is a portable, stackable furniture item designed to reduce the storage space facility managers need for pedestal type reception tables in their buildings.
The tables are designed around a patented table core technology that yields a high pressure laminate table top at a fraction of the weight of conventional tables. This same technology allows Revolution Reception Tables, ranging from 12 to 15 pounds, to be stored flat. This disc-like storage capability makes it possible to fit 20 complete tables through a standard doorway or inside a standard passenger elevator.
The table bases are available in brushed silver or black, and the table top surfaces come in a variety of colors (standard, premium, and WilsonArt HD). With a choice of Wilsonart laminate finishes (Metallic Silver seen here), PS Furniture’s MAXX Edge, and a 30mm profile, the Revolution Lightweight Reception Tables do not require a covering, which can save time in set up and breakdown.