Kalwall, a provider of translucent building systems, has introduced a daylight modeling simulation tool that enables designers to demonstrate the impact of their daylighting designs while having the option of demonstrating “what if” alternatives.
This online tool, DaylightModeling.com, is geared for use by architects and other designers; however, many facility managers may find the tool useful as well. Facility professionals who need to check their designs for compliance to Net Zero, LEED, ASHRAE 90.1, Standard 189.1, and IgCC can benefit from the daylight modeling service tool. Just as traditional 3-D computer modeling shows a finished design’s appearance, site specific daylight simulation demonstrates the impact of size, type, and placement of skylights, windows, or translucent wall systems.
Sample 3-D renderings, videos and example Daylighting Reports are available at the site, along with information about daylighting services and technologies. Computer generated charts and light-level schematics simulate the effects of various daylighting alternatives, enabling users to analyze how light will behave before plans are finalized.
Beyond the facility itself, well planned daylighting considers a number of issues. How will the structure be positioned relative to the topography or the points of the compass? What is the effect of local climate and the sun’s path? Might any proximate structures create an urban canyon at certain times? Are there mountains or trees nearby, or reflections off the surfaces of buildings or bodies of water? A daylighting design that is effective in one location simply may not be in another. Using daylight simulation, can demonstrate potential problems while alternate design solutions are studied and compared to reveal better ways to daylight the space.