The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) has available for sale the newly approved American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z10 standard, which helps organizations integrate occupational safety and health management into their overall business practices. Recently approved by ANSI, the Z10 general consensus standard Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems was developed by a committee of experts representing business, labor, government and professional organizations.
James D. Smith, CSP, ASSE vice president of practices and standards, and ASSE representative to the Z10 committee, says, “The new Z10 standard is another resource to help increase workplace safety and health for businesses of all sizes and from all industries. Research data has shown that solid occupational safety, health and environmental management programs are part of any sound business strategy and can positively impact an organization’s bottom line.”
The Z10 standard provides the minimum requirements for the planning, implementation, operation and evaluation of occupational safety and health management systems. Click the following link for more information and materials on the positive impact of safety on business.
An ASSE Audio Conference on the Z10 standard and its implementation will be held this winter. The Z10 standard is available through ASSE, with a special discount of $65 for ASSE members. For additional pricing options, call ASSE Customer Service at (847) 699-2929.