Q. I have a question about aluminum vs. copper electrical wiring—particularly when connected to large, main electrical switch gears. I have been told that “in the old days,” large aluminum main feeders (connected to switch gears) would expand and contract over time, and their lug connections would become loose. This would create a huge problem (and fire risk) for any building. According to an electrical contractor involved in one our projects, the new aluminum conductors are designed much better and don’t have this problem anymore.
My company’s standard practice for 20 years has been to use copper conductors, but with the price of copper going through the roof, we’d save a huge amount of money by using aluminum.
My chief engineer had some problems with aluminum in an older building and wants to stick with copper. But since code allows either, I wanted to investigate all of my options. What’s your opinion?
Name withheld upon request
This question was originally published in the January 2008 issue of Today’s Facility Manager. Read Elledge’s response here. Share your feedback and suggestions in the LEAVE A REPLY section below.