Free Video Webinar
Retiring Facility Staff? Keep Critical Building Information From Walking Out The Door
With the pandemic contributing to an already existing wave of retirements in the industry (40% by 2025, according to an ARC Facilities survey, 2017), facilities teams are being left with a serious knowledge shortfall. More of these managers are taking early retirement in the wake of COVID-19, and as senior members leave the workforce, critical building information can be lost because this knowledge is often stored in their heads. And when emergency strikes, they often rely on memory to retrieve plans and other documents.
View this free video webinar and you’ll learn:
- Why traditional record-keeping methods can be problematic
- How minor emergencies can quickly develop into major catastrophes in the absence of instant access to information
- Key steps you can take for successful succession planning
- The importance of implementing forward-thinking technology to improve operational efficiency and attract new talent
A video of the presentation, “Retiring Facility Staff? Keep Critical Building Information From Walking Out The Door” — sponsored by ARC Facilities and brought to you by Facility Executive — is now available.
To view it, fill out the form below.