S-5! is the first company to receive an Evaluation Report (ER) from the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), certifying its snow retention devices’ compliance with Evaluation Criteria (EC) 029-2018 for Standing Seam Metal Roof-Mounted Rail-Type Snow Retention Systems.
In the absence of building code that covers snow retention, compliance with the IAPMO EC 029–2018 is “code equivalent” and may be utilized by specification to qualify proper design, testing, and production.
An EC document from IAPMO is a consensus of professionals concerning the specifics of how a product or system is to be evaluated and how the results are interpreted and applied. The EC is analogous to the Acceptance Criteria (AC) document from the International Code Council-Evaluation Service (ICC-ES).
Evaluation Reports (ER) from IAPMO certifying compliance to an EC are widely accepted by jurisdictional code compliance agencies whereas other means of evaluation often are not. Of note is that the IAPMO EC 029–2018 is also harmonious with the Metal Construction Association’s document on “Qualifying Snow Retention Systems for Metal Roofing.”
S-5! stated their thrill to have been approved to the new industry consensus standard for testing and certifying snow retention devices.